How to Get Accurate and Certified Legal Documents Translation Services?

Legal, Certified, and Sworn Translations: What's What and What Do I Need,  The Professional Translation Blog from Language Buró

Certifying a document means it is a mirror reflection of the original documents. The translation is free from misrepresented or manipulated facts and contains only factual information. Furthermore, the translation is also signed and stamped by the translator. The process is similar to hiring services from a solicitor.

Requirements for the certified legal documents translation services

The certificate attached to the source document will allow the clients to present them to the home office and courts of law in the United Kingdom. These linguistic companies are members of the Association of Translation Companies. If you are sceptical about their work operations credibility, ask to see the ATA registration. Furthermore, the legal documents translation services are operative day and night as sometimes clients require immediate translation.

Most of these legal documents translation services are specialized in more than 150 languages. However, the final price is dependent on the availability of the translator and the scale of the language.

When is certified translation required?

Certified translation is required when you go to the bank to apply for a mortgage. The staff will request documents that must be provided for the application to move forward. If you are a foreigner or setting up a mortgage account in another country, you would need to hire legal documents translation services to provide a certified solution.

You may also need assistance from legal documents translation services on the following occasions:

  • Passport renewal or original application
  • Driver licenses
  • When dealing with government agencies
  • Banking request for credit card
  • Tax bills
  • Medical testimony in case of an employment accident or chronic illness

Who can certify translated documents?

Translations performed by legal documents translation services can only be certified by the translator hired for the job. He is a professional person and well-reputed at his office. Basically speaking, he is a bonafide character who performs translations in exchange for money free from coercion or fraud.

In other words,

  • The document is translated by an oath-taking translator
  • The document is translated by a credible translation agency or business
  • The certification takes place in front of the solicitor

However, the following are a few professions who can certify translated documents in their field:

  • A banking official
  • A local municipal councilor
  • Dentist
  • Certified professional accountant
  • Teacher
  • Lecturer

Who cannot certify translated documents?

For the practice of translated work free from conflict of interest and the facts are not manipulated for personal gain, the following people cannot certify translated documents.

  • Someone you know, either close or distant family member
  • A person living at the exact address as the applicant
  • Spouse or domestic partner.

What is a certified translation?

As per government sources, the following criteria must be fulfilled for a translation to be considered certified. It is a written document that is:

  • Factual and accurate translation of the source document
  • The date when the documents were translated
  • Complete the name and contact details of the translator or an agent to the legal documents translation services.

Kings of Translation offers certified translation.

Now that you have a similar idea of a certified translation, the following are the steps to achieving it as practised by Kings of translation.

  • The business asks the client to upload their documents to the available portal. These can either be scanned copies or pictures of the original document.
  • The documents are translated by competent linguistic experts.
  • The certified translation is sent within one week, excluding public holidays.

About the Company

Kings of Translation hires a team of enthusiast young translators to work closely with clients to perform verbal and written translations. The translators are very skilled and carry the academic credentials to do the job well. For further information, call us at +44 7588 074055. The business can also be reached through email.